How does your Waste Holding Area stack up?

Healthcare facilities can have several internal and external waste-holding areas around the facility.  The Australian Standard 3816:2018 Management of Clinical and Related Wastes outlines the requirements for waste holding areas. Bridges Sustainability data suggests that only 26% of healthcare facilities comply with waste holding areas. 

What were the issues we found?

 🔓36% of waste holding areas were not secure.

Areas were often found unlocked or had easy public access. Waste Holding Areas must always be locked, and non-authorised persons cannot access them.

 🚮 63% incorrect signage.

Internal and external areas must display the correct signage and compliance forms as part of Work Health and Safety. 

 🧽42% of clean and dirty waste bins were stored together.

Storage space is a prime real estate within hospitals, but if physical separation is not possible, signage and clearly defined areas must be marked out.

Bridges Sustainability can ensure your Waste Holding Area is compliant and provide a report and recommendations on how to make your waste holding area more compliant today. Reach out today at



What is the most significant contributor to healthcare carbon emissions?


Work, Health, Safety… and Waste!